瑞典的清新樂音~第八號會所樂團 CLUB 8

"有沒有什麼音樂,可以讓你久久難以忘懷? 有沒有什麼音樂,當陽光微風撒在身上時,有種天籟圍繞簇擁的溫暖感受? 有一個好聲音,絕對值得推薦給喜歡音樂的朋友 那就是來自瑞典的雙人組團體~第八號會所樂團 CLUB 8"

today, got nothing to do at evening...
so decide to drop by to Michael house to collect some CDs from him...
1st of all, really thanks to him to help me find and bought this few album back from Taiwan~
is my favorite album from CLUB 8!!
thanks for found me this few of their previous album ^^
really love their songs so so much ^^
next time, i hope i can find their 1st album 《Nouvelle》

wan to try listen to their songs?
juz concentrate listen to the songs tat i playing in my blog ^^


roland said...

brother u alwiz got so much frens to collect to much things...haha
nice album, nice taste^^~

Hooi said...

ed, i love this kind of musics too.. and guess what, ur blog is being open as my home radio everyday... dun change ur playlist plsss.... Hehe!!

yayawoo said...

marionuclear : really thanks a lots to them so tat i can get those stuff i love, and more meaningful ^^

hooi : i'm so glad to heard tat... i juz updated, add some new songs, don worry still is songs of CLUB8, enjoy it ^^

Hooi said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks edmund!!!