Last weekend, me, Jeepeng, KahGiap, RuiPing, and the rest of friends went to Gunung Nuang for hiking, and spend 1 nite there. and lets the pics tell the trip la!
can u c how green the bamboo leaf is?
Green! Green! Green! is every where!! totally love it ^^
ok, lets start our long long way to our camp site (2 hours walk to Lolo Campsite) erm... because is a tiring and long way walk to the camp, so all the way we didnt took any pics... we only concentrate keep walk... walk... and walk... >.<>.<), so we faster set up our camp once we reach there! this is how we set up our "bungalow" (6person tent)!! after finish this, we all jump into the cold river to and enjoy it ^^ (after a long tiring walk, enjoy with the cold water is really "SYOK" la~)
after dinner, few of us got nothing to do... so we start playing with Pica-Pica inside the tent, hahaha! jus a simple torch light, but we have a lots of fun ^^
Jeepeng drawing EVIL!!!
KahGiap is LOMO-ing!!!
after that, we all go to sleep... because we hv to wake up around 3.30am early morning! (actually we cant really sleep >.<) RuiPing cant sleep at all, so he make us some sandwich in the middle of the nite, so that we can bring along. then after wake up, we straight away head to the Pacat Campsite and then peak of Gunung Nuang!! RuiPing, the Pro among us!!
Jeep... wat u look so sad? missing home already? or...
the rest of the member... all so tired and sleepy... >.< Jeepeng enjoy playing SMS while he resting...
oi, fall asleep already?? >.< our ranger who guide us to this gunung ^^
the middle of the nite... and the middle of the jungle...
ok, because we going spend another 5 hours to the peak, so i didnt took much pics all the way to the peak (some more is so dark) and is really tiring... >.< around 7 morning something, here full of mist... and we almost there... hehehe...
we take some rest and take our breakfast! (tat time we damn hungry!!)
this is the sandwich that RuiPing ready for us! Thanks again la ^^
RuiPing having his "Breakfast"!!!
...and finally... WE REACH THE PEAK!!!
here is the peak of GUNUNG NUANG!!! (and KahGiap karate chop the sign board! hahaha...)
CONGRATS!! Jeep had success reach the peak of Gunung Nuang!
here goes the group photo!!! CONGRATS to EVERYONE!! ^^
here got 2 short video clip ^^
location : Gunung Nuang camera : Canon G9 special thanks to Jeepeng, KahGiap, and RuiPing~
so nice!!! did ur body pain afterwards?
why jeep so sad? he's homesick? or...missing...someone?? ^^ XD
why so many ppl know jeep missing some1??
and also wondering sms to 'who' so EARLY!!!!!!
eva : body no pain la~ jus i hurt my left leg... because lack of exercise~ paiseh paiseh... >.<
mc : 怪叔叔很厉害的!他不但会起火!他会很多东西啊!
Kahgiap : 哈哈哈~ 不好意思啦! 你赶快把horizon的照片放上网吧! 很期待!很期待!!
s8j : he really missing some one? who? his mom? dan dan? or...
he try got line service or not inside the jungle! kakaka...
NEXT TIME I WANNA GO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!
Hooi : really? Lets GO!!! ^^
快点再plan! 这次我也要爬啦!
我要上山做仙~ XD
beebee : 你不能去!!你会脚痛的!你的脚伤不方便啊!会辛苦的!>.<
tensen : 哈哈哈~爬了的确脚很酸!>.<
althena : 你不用上山,都已经成仙了? 什么仙?是“超级白”仙女!!哈哈哈~
very healthy wor... ^^ love the pica pica lar ;)
ckwvoon : wow! thanks to drop by my blog ck ^^
ten10 : hahaha...must do more exercise! next time we do pica pica together la ^^ hahaha...
s8j : 低调点…… 低调点……
the 'someone' is here...:$
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