KLDW Exhibitions

Yesterday i visited to Capital Square for the KLDW exhibition.
I saw a lots of cute and cool stuff there! and here i share some pics with u guys ^^

hopefully u guys can spend some time to take a visit and give some support for our local very 1st Design Week ^^

click HERE for the map to Capital Square.

cute fabric doll from Roomism.

Teddy Bee & Ruff Hand Made Figure from MichaelChua design. (sculpted by Mimi Yong)

very cute MARI-Brand from Japan.

the local famous design forum - PIPIT!!!

Collaboration works from Mi2 and local designers.

a lots of trees full with BECOME eco bags.


actually still got some others thing i haven't took picture yet.
this Wednesday I'll visit there again to shoot more pics to share with u guys.
and get chance to know more friends from every where ^^

by the way, this coming Saturday, they going to have a great closing party.
hope to see you guys there la ^^

【樂魔 the Negative Effect】PromoVideo

BlackBird Fly with Hot Air Balloon

Last time when i'm still a kid, i always wish to see a hot air balloon...
and now... my wish come true!!!

here is the very 1st Malaysia Hot Air Balloon Fiesta!!

and also thanks to member of LOMOTION joining us for this outing!
make the outing more happening and more joyful ^^

well, as u guys know my LCA+ already half dead...
so BBF + EBX did a great job this time ^^
(some more full frame with whole really poisoning!)

the balloons in the air!!!

Bend It Baby!

YES! Bend it Baby!!!

finally i get my Lensbaby!
thanks to Jimmy who bring it from Singapore for me ^^

this baby is really fun to play with it!
(but i still cant really focus with it properly >.<)

and is really something different and special to play with camera~

Ya! Bend it Baby!

This is the Original Lensbaby

the out look of the lens

Leng lui miss Eva

CCD miss YingTze

Our BOSS, Mr. KahGiap!

The very miang Jeep!

and our Cikgu Syah!

【樂魔 the Negative Effect】

Taaa Daaa!!! the official Poster of 【樂魔 the Negative Effect】!

(Designed by KahGiap)

and this coming Saturday, 21st March 2009,
we will be having a premier screening and sharing of
【The Negative Effect】
's 7 minutes Promo Video/Trailer.

Time: 9:30pm onwards
Venue: STATION 1 Cafe, NZX (NiuZeXui 牛车水)

Related link:
Movie Site: http://www.d1production.com/negative-effect
Weblog: http://lomodocumentary.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/-the-Negative-Effect/68623848361


日晕 :Solar Halo

星期天,在家无所事事的,所以就决定去纪伊国屋书店Kinokuniya) 看看书。

当我们走下楼去拿车子时,我抬头一望…… 天啊!尽然有 日晕 (Solar Halo)咧!!


真是不好意思!! >.<







I miss my mom cooking

for those who visited to my Kuantan house b4,
sure u guys taste b4 my mom's cooking, rite? ^^

last last weekend, i went back to Kuantan for public holiday,
and my uncle bought us some prawns and crabs!
so my mom cook us delicious home made sea food!!!

mom make the dinner in steamboat way,
so tat those kids can eat fish and meat balls ^^
(some of them allergic with seafood)

Delicious Crab!!!

Juicy big prawn!!!

oh yeah, my mom also got made some dumplings ^^

my lovely family ^^

together with my mom delicious dinner ^^

i really love my mom cooking ^^

Telok Kalong again!!!

After breakfast at Hai Peng coffee house, and since we at Kemaman,
so i decided bring my family visit to TELOK KALONG!!!

thanks to Ah Sui Gor, last time bring us LOMO gang to this such lovely beach~!

Telok Kalong, also located in Kemaman, and near to some industri area.
I love this beach so much, not many ppl know bout this place...
so the beach is very clean! and the sea water also very clear!
(the toilet there also the most CLEANEST public toilet in Terengganu, hahaha...)

...here we are, the clear blue sea, Telok Kalong.

u can see how clear and how blue is the sea rite?? damn refreshing!!!

erm... and no body around to disturb u, quiet and peaceful...

...listen to the wind and the wave... so relaxing la~

my mom and dad~

and again my lovely mom and dad ^^

Telok Kalong, sure i'll visit back again!
any LOMO gang wanna come to this lovely beach??

Kedai Kopi Hai Peng (1940)

Last weekend, me and my family visited to this famous old coffee shop,

this famous old coffee shop located in Kemaman, Terengganu.

last time, i remember my dad sometimes will bring me here to hv breakfast.
and the distance from Kuantan to this old shop, needs around 45mins!
spend 45mins for a breakfast?? trust me, is worth it (i mean last time la...)
now the coffee shop more modern already the coffee also not as nice as last time...

we been quite long time didnt visit here.
my dad said the Kopi O not as "Gao" as last time... taste not so nice.
last time the owner make all the coffee by himself, sure very nice...
and now he getting old, all the coffee make by workers...
old owner jus sit behind me drinking his own coffee and reading newspaper...

but anyway, i still enjoy my breakfast with my lovely family ^^
(and the kaya bread still taste good~)

Kedai Kopi Hai Peng, at Kemaman, Terengganu.

... since 1940...

you see, last time this old shop is look like THIS!!!

...and is FULL of people!!!

my bro, my mom, my sista?? and my dad ^^

my mom and dad really sayang this little girl, her name Shu Yee

hahaha... she so happy everytime go out with us ^^

since this shop is start from 1940, so sure they got a lots of antique inside~

this clock looks cool rite? totally love it~

and some others wall clock they having, some is still running actually.

jus wondering, this bicycle belongs to which generation?

and some plate tat we cant see it often...

a cup of kopi O, and a great happy smile~

well, we still like this place ^^