Recently, my gf bought this for me, Transformers Animated Activators series : STARSCREAM.
1stly, i hv to thanks to my dear gf to bought me this, because she know me very well, she know tat i love Starscream very much, and she know tat i wan to collect all different kinds of the Starscream figure tat i can find, thanks dear ^^
ok, this Starcream is a very simple kido action figure (and it looks so small and cute ^^). it can be transform when u press the button on top of it~
It is a very interesting way to transform ^^ and the robot form is look perfect, it doesn't look anything wrong or weird, and the movement tat Starscream can do is still very good!
although is small but the all details still have it, overall for me is very OK!! Love it ^^
ps: this transformation let me think of MACROSS!!!
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