because she found tat her friend and herself, got a strange habit when take photos...
for example, Eunice like to shoot something tat is 2 together or "Double"... and her friend like to shoot something tat is 3, "Triple"...
when they saw something like tat, they will automatically face their camera and snap it down!
after i read her post, then i also try to look back all the my pics tat i took... and try to find out did i got any strange habit too??
and YES!! Yes there is!! i also got a small strange habit when take pics~
lets c wat strange habit i got... kekeke...

ps : ha, the strange habit i got is like to snap the top part of building and with wide sky!!! hahaha.... ^^
strange but nice! XD
nice 怪癖!kekeke!
hahaha~~~~你的怪癖真的有夠怪呢!! ^0^ 喜歡低炒再拍天空!! 好野好野~~哈哈
Marionuclear : hahaha... paiseh paiseh... thanks ^^
Jeep : nice gah?? not weird oh?? kekeke...
eun : 哈哈哈~下次用我的“怪癖”再和你的“怪癖”玩【DOUBLE】不知效果如何呢? ^^
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