after i show u guys the cool stuff, now i show u guys the CUTE STUFF!!! hahaha... check it out~
aahhh!!! u c this SILKY TERRIER is so CUTE!!! ^^
this both SILKY TERRIER is so tiny!!! (and also very shy, hahaha...)
we visit to a shop tat selling pet clothes, and we saw this 2 lovely MINICHER PINSCHER~
they both really lovely, keep stick with the shop owner ^^
and we also saw this very cute white POMERANIAN when we bought dog treats~
and very very tiny CHI HUA HUA is sleeping inside the cage~ (got LV bed, hahaha...)
this statue is cute, we found it at WAT PHO temple ^^
hey, this is my favorite pet!!! 娃娃鱼 (大鲵, Andrias davidianus) is so cute!!! is hard to find this pet in Malaysia... BUT, the sure thing is my gf sure won let me keep this pet!!! because.... when it grow up and bigger... no more cute and will become UGLY!!! hahaha.... not believe??
see this~ this is the Andrias davidianus tat grow bigger~ and tats really how it looks like!!! (and it can grow bigger and bigger... >.<) after saw the ugly Andrias davidianus, lets c the lovely fishy swimming inside SIAM PARAGON food court aquarium ^^
and guess wat? we bought this lovely "PET" back home~ hahaha... (hope Hachi won attack her... >.<) here got 2 short clips tat i took ... enjoy ^^
when the time we travel at BANGKOK, we found a lots of cool stuff there!!! come, i show u~
we found a lots of GIANT Balloon Dog in CENTRAL WORLD!!
God also crazy of FOOTBALL nowdays... >.< a very very FAT LADY statue sit on the a chair at CENTRAL WORLD, u can lying on it when u feel tired ^^
this deco is also hanging inside CENTRAL WORLD, very nice!!!
we fount this lovely beautiful RUBBER BOOTS inside BTS ^^
wow... the way they re-paint the wall, really impressive!!!
u c! the statue also know how to pose!! so cool ~
when u c the real thing... u really will "WOW......"
c wat we found~ the ANDRE famous graffiti, MR . A!! (jus near the place we stay ^^)
ADIDAS ad with a lots of POLAROID shoots ^^
and in SUAN LUM nite market, we found a shop, a lady selling a lots of 2nd hand stuff!! specially cameras!!! for those who love cameras and looking for 2nd classic cameras, u really should visit this shop and she is very friendly ^^
ha, MC heart itchy, almost wan to get this olympus camera ^^
and for those HOLGA lovers, i found a lots HOLGA stuff inside LOFT!!! ^^
their design tee is really cool, totally love it!!!